The 1st python program create wind input. The command line input is python.exe lonEye latEye minLat maxLat deltaLatInM rmaxInKm spdInMPH presInmb Bval timeStepInSeconds outputFile For example: python.exe -90 24 26 29.96 50 20 5 984.0 1.24 60 wind_1D_1min_Vmax70kt_Rmax20km_Spd5mph_Size150m.txt This create a wind time series from minimum latitude to maximum latitude (26 to 29.96 deg N). The storm center is at lonEye and latEye (-90 deg W and 24 deg N). The grid spackign is 50 meters. The 984-mb storm is moving 5 mph. The wind profile has a Holland B value of 1.24. The timeseries is output every 60 seconds. The file containing the time series is called wind_1D_1min_Vmax70kt_Rmax20km_Spd5mph_Size150m.txt, which is used as input to the storm surge model. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd python program is the 1D storm surge model. The command line input is: python.exe inputFile numTime shorelineLat depthType selectedPt outputFile For example: python.exe wind_1D_1min_Vmax70kt_Rmax20km_Spd5mph_Size150m.txt 4933 29.96 exshallow 8790 Surge_1D_1min_Vmax70kt_Rmax20km_Spd5mph_Size150km.exshallow.txt The model outputs 4933 time steps. The landfall location is 29.96 deg N. depthType is a bathymetry character string (to be described next). 8790 is the output point (Point 8790 is near the last northern point, which is Point 8792). Surge_1D_1min_Vmax70kt_Rmax20km_Spd5mph_Size150km.exshallow.txt is the output file. There are five bathymetry categories, from shallow bathymetry to deep bathymetry. The five options are: exshallow shallow moderate deep verydeep ----------------------------- The shell scripts will work in a Linux environment Two screen captures give an example how to use in a Windows environment