Parameterization concepts Cumulus parameterization
- Cumulus parameterization
- The history of cumulus parameterization
- Treatment of warm-phase clouds (ECMWF lecture)
- Treatment of cold-phase clouds (ECMWF lecture)
- Diurnal variation of profiles in PBL
- General explanation of diurnal wind variation
- Stability variations of the surface layer wind
- HH Chapter 8 overview on PBL
- Wind profile equations for surface layer
- Bulk formulas (used for surface fluxes)
- Overview
- Definition from AMS. Definition from ECMWF.
- Overview
- Variational analysis (least squares-derived weights blending background and observations)
- Simple scalar example
- Advanced material: ECMWF lecture on DA
- Advanced material: Overview on Kalman Filters
- Advanced material: Greg Czerniak's website on Kalman filters
- Dr. Fitz's adaption of Louis scheme for the surface layer (q, T, wind profile adjustments). Details are in slides 24-26 here. See comments in code on Jacobson's book.
- Dr. Fitz' adaption of Smith scheme for the surface layer (q, T, wind profile adjustments). Details are in a technical report here. See comments in code for more details.
- Dr. Fitz's adaption using power law for wind profileadjustments in the the surface layer
- Dr. Fitz's code based on neutral log wind profile to convert buoy winds to 10 meters . Assumes Charnock's relationship. Note that Charnock does not consider wave age (see Pan et al. 2008), and may not be valid in locally generated seas.
- Kuo scheme (courtesy Dr. Krishnamurti)
- Betts-Miller scheme (Mike Blackbur's website)