Ocean wave theory
Wave parametric schemes
Ocean wave models
Forecasting tools
2) Offshore marine zone forecasts
3) High seas zone forecasts
Online parametric models
Gulf of Mexico forecast tools
Ship routing
- Overview
- World Meteorological Organization Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting (detailed and well-written)
- Video lecture on theory and parametric schemes. Audio only.
- Video lecture on parametric schemes, wave models, and ship routing. Audio only.
Wave parametric schemes
- Parametric schemes
- Shallow water waves with limited fetch - the Breugem and Holthuijsen formulation
- COMET module on waves and nomograms (requires account)
Ocean wave models
- Wave model basics
- Wavewatch model
- WAM model (not required for class, additional model information)
- SWAN model (not required for class, used for inshore wave modeling)
- STWAVE model (not required for class, used for nearshore modeling)
Forecasting tools
- Text products
2) Offshore marine zone forecasts
3) High seas zone forecasts
- Inshore
- Deepwater
- Canadian products
Online parametric models
Gulf of Mexico forecast tools
- National Data Buoy Center
- Wavewatch regional (from NCEP)
- Wave observations (from MyFox)
- Wavewatch significant wave height forecasts (from MyFox)
- Wavewatch forecast parameters (from stormsurfing.com)
Ship routing